Year 6 Evacuee Day

A group photo of students dressed as evacuees, outside on a grassy area.

Our Year 6 Evacuee Day was a fantastic success and enjoyed by all! Activities included : ratio rationing, flashlight morse code, cooking and eating trench stew and making their very own board games. What a great way to bring their learning to life!

Students dressed as evacuees seen working together at a table to create a board for a game of 'Snakes & Ladders.'
Two female students are pictured sat together at a desk, dressed as evacuees, peeling vegetables.
Two male students are pictured sat together at a desk, wearing WWII evacuee clothing, looking at some items from that era.
Two male students are pictured sitting under a desk in their classroom, wearing WWII evacuee-style clothing. They are seen playing a board game and smiling for the camera.
Three male students are pictured sat together at a desk, wearing WWII evacuee-style clothing, peeling carrots together.
Three Year 6 students are pictured wearing WWII evacuee-style clothing, as they cut potatoes together at their desks.
A Year 6 student can be seen sitting at his desk, cutting carrots, whilst wearing WWII evacuee-style clothing.
Two Year 6 students, a boy and a girl, can be seen sat at their desks, wearing WWII evacuee-style clothing and eating a meal.
Two Year 6 students, a boy and a girl, are pictured sat next to one another, eating lunch. They are both dressed in WWII evacuee-style clothing.
A male Year 6 student can be seen smiling for the camera with his thumb up, whilst eating his lunch.
Two male Year 6 students are pictured sat together at a desk, chopping potatoes. They are both wearing WWII evacuee-style clothing.
Two female Year 6 students are seen wearing WWII evacuee-style clothing and smiling for the camera, as they eat their lunch.
Two male Year 6 students are seen learning about WWII evacuees and interacting with some of the objects they might have used.
Two female Year 6 students, dressed as WWII evacuees, are seen learning about the era.